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Category Archives: Activist Art

Join in the Women’s Caucus for Art Conference in Chicago

Written on January 4, 2014 at 2:27 pm, by

I just registered for ‘Balance’ the Women’s Caucus for Art national conference in Chicago this February 12-15, 2014.  Early bird registration for the conference ends this Monday, January 6th, but  Continue Reading »

Categories: Ability, Activist Art, arts leadership, Biographical, Career Development, Diversity, Fabulous Artists, Feminist art, Fundraising, Political Art, Social networking, This and That, Women Artists

Jean Towgood: A Memorial Exhibition

Written on November 20, 2013 at 12:02 am, by

“I am exploring a painterly myth for myself to explain the power of what I see and feel. Nature is a mystery- volcanic activity hidden from view by steam and  Continue Reading »

Categories: Ability, Activist Art, art collaboration, Beauty, Biographical, Diversity, environmental art, Fabulous Artists, Feminist art, Gesture painting, Inspiration, Uncategorized, Women Artists

Artsy Shark Interview and chance to join the Exquisite Uterus Project

Written on August 24, 2013 at 12:04 pm, by

I am honored to be the featured artist on the Artsy Shark blog this week.  Please check it out here or read the same below. Also, by way of an  Continue Reading »

Categories: Ability, Activist Art, art and technology, art collaboration, Art Techniques, Beauty, Career Development, environmental art, Feminist art, Fiber arts. Fabric design, Political Art, Spoonflower, This and That, Uncategorized, Watercolor

Second Nature: New Watercolors by Helen Klebesadel

Written on October 28, 2012 at 4:09 am, by

  My visual concerns run the gamut from careful study to poetic, symbolic and sometimes political representations of nature. You are all invited to my exhibition ‘Second Nature:  New Paintings  Continue Reading »

Categories: Activist Art, Art Techniques, Beauty, environmental art, Feminist art, Inspiration, Political Art, Watercolor, Wisconsin Arts

Susan Grabel: Art that Explores the Human Dimension of Social Issues

Written on June 4, 2012 at 4:24 am, by

Venus In Proliferation

Susan Grabel’s recent retrospective at the Staten Island Art Museum offered an exhibition that recognized her 35 plus years of creating art with a social purpose, and brought together works representing the feminist critique of contemporary culture that has brought a larger meaning to her creative work her throughout her career.

Categories: Activist Art, Art Techniques, Beauty, Fablous Artists, Fabulous Artists, Feminist art, Fiber arts. Fabric design, Inspiration, Women Artists

The Art Of Resistance: The Exquisite Uterus

Written on May 18, 2012 at 9:52 pm, by

Uterus Flag Project

The more I have looked the more I have found systematic outrage across the country at the efforts to regulate women’s reproductive lives by imposing particular moral and religious perspectives. ..Many individuals, including artists, are fighting back in our own ways.

Categories: Activist Art, art and technology, art collaboration, Fiber arts. Fabric design, Political Art, Social networking, Uncategorized, Wisconsin Arts

The Art of the Little Free Library: Its Always The Season To Read

Written on November 23, 2011 at 6:44 am, by

One-of-a-kind artist painted Little Free Libraries will be on display at the Story Pottery in Mineral Point, Wisconsin for the month of December. The non-profit Little Libraries project promotes reading for children, literacy for adults and libraries around the world.

Categories: Activist Art, art collaboration, Creative Play, donating art, Fundraising, This and That

Documenting the Feminist Art Movement

Written on October 16, 2011 at 8:25 pm, by

I’ve been thinking a lot about how the media is representing the Occupy Wall Street Movement (now worldwide), how new social networking media allows it to control its message, and how it compares with how past activist movements focused on positive social change have been represented, particularly those associated with the feminist art movement.

Categories: Activist Art, Fablous Artists, Feminist art

A Beauty Manifesto: Art As Resistance"

Written on June 9, 2011 at 11:46 pm, by

“The making of beauty and of art says that we are alive and we have this beauty within us.” Ann Schaffer, artist

Categories: Activist Art, Artist Resources, Beauty, Biographical, Fablous Artists, Feminist art, Inspiration, Political Art, Watercolor, Women Artists

Activist Art: Art That Works

Written on May 2, 2011 at 2:50 am, by

Activist art is, by definition, historically specific. It aims to address particular cultural, political and social concerns with a view to producing concrete social change. It is interesting to me as an artist and an educator how seldom we find an analysis of what makes effective activist art a part of what we teach and learn, especially since we need it now more than ever.

Categories: Activist Art, Artist Resources, Diversity, Fablous Artists, Feminist art, Fiber arts. Fabric design, Inspiration, Political Art, Teaching Art and Creativity, This and That, Wisconsin Arts, Women Artists