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Tag Archives: Helen Klebesadel

The high art of visibility: How I am learning to use social media to promote my art

Written on February 19, 2012 at 6:31 pm, by

There are lots of different ways for an artist to approach developing an on-line presence and build a social media network to bring visibility to their art. Developing a social media network is really developing an electronic way to stay in touch with people you know, and to meet and build relationships with others who share your interests.

Categories: art and technology, Career Development, Creative Play, Fabulous Artists, On-Line sales, Promotional Materials, Social networking, Teaching Art and Creativity, This and That, Watercolor

Day 33 of 33 – Two Artists Share A Painting A Day for 33 Days

Written on August 6, 2011 at 2:35 am, by

The final day of the 33 Paintings in 33 Days Project of Alaskan artist Nikki Kinne and Wisconsin artist Helen Klebesadel. I cannot believe the thirty-third day has come so quickly. This has been an amazing experience.

Categories: A Painting A day, art collaboration, Creative Play, Fabulous Artists, Watercolor

Day Thirty-two –Two Artists Share A Painting A Day for 33 Days

Written on August 5, 2011 at 2:50 am, by

Day thirty-two in the 33 Paintings in 33 Days Project of Alaskan artist Nikki Kinne and Wisconsin artist Helen Klebesadel.

Categories: A Painting A day, Creative Play, Fabulous Artists, Watercolor

Day Twenty-five –Two Artists Share A Painting A Day for 33 Days

Written on July 29, 2011 at 1:45 am, by

Day twenty-five in the 33 Paintings in 33 Days Project of Alaskan artist Nikki Kinne and Wisconsin artist Helen Klebesadel.

Categories: A Painting A day, Beauty, Gesture painting, Watercolor

Day Twenty-one -Two Artists Share A Painting A Day for 33 Days

Written on July 25, 2011 at 2:57 am, by

Day twenty-one in the 33 Paintings in 33 Days Project of Alaskan artist Nikki Kinne and Wisconsin artist Helen Klebesadel.

Categories: A Painting A day, art collaboration, Art Techniques, Fabulous Artists, Teaching Art and Creativity, Watercolor, Workshops and Classes

Building an Art Career: How to become a Juggling Women

Written on August 29, 2010 at 6:22 pm, by

There is no doubt about it, building an art career is a lot of work. It has been quite an interesting and productive period of time for me recently as I work to balance my multiple interests: art making, day job, teaching, and planning and promotions for future and current projects.

Categories: Biographical, Career Development, Inspiration, Teaching Art and Creativity, Uncategorized, Watercolor, Workshops and Classes