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Category Archives: Watercolor

The Exquisite Uterus Project: The Art of Resistance -UPDATE

Written on September 6, 2013 at 6:00 am, by

This blog was originally published in September of 2012 to celebrate  the first exhibition of the Exquisite Uterus Art of Resistance Project.  The project and the need continues.  We have  Continue Reading »

Categories: Feminist art, Fiber arts. Fabric design, Fundraising, giclee prints, Inspiration, On-Line sales, Random Category, Uncategorized, Watercolor, Wisconsin Arts, Women Artists

Artsy Shark Interview and chance to join the Exquisite Uterus Project

Written on August 24, 2013 at 12:04 pm, by

I am honored to be the featured artist on the Artsy Shark blog this week.  Please check it out here or read the same below. Also, by way of an  Continue Reading »

Categories: Ability, Activist Art, art and technology, art collaboration, Art Techniques, Beauty, Career Development, environmental art, Feminist art, Fiber arts. Fabric design, Political Art, Spoonflower, This and That, Uncategorized, Watercolor

Second Nature: New Watercolors by Helen Klebesadel

Written on October 28, 2012 at 4:09 am, by

  My visual concerns run the gamut from careful study to poetic, symbolic and sometimes political representations of nature. You are all invited to my exhibition ‘Second Nature:  New Paintings  Continue Reading »

Categories: Activist Art, Art Techniques, Beauty, environmental art, Feminist art, Inspiration, Political Art, Watercolor, Wisconsin Arts

Hungry for Art: The Process of Turning the Negative to Positive

Written on July 22, 2012 at 5:32 pm, by

  I just spent a blissful week of teaching, learning, and expanding my circle of inspiration sources with eleven other wonderful women artists who participated in my ‘Watercolor From The  Continue Reading »

Categories: Ability, Art Techniques, Creative Play, Fabulous Artists, giclee prints, Inspiration, Watercolor, Women Artists, Workshops and Classes

The ‘Wright’ place to learn the art of watercolor

Written on July 6, 2012 at 3:05 am, by

Study of Jamie's Dahlia, 8x11, watercolor, ©2012 Helen Klebesadel

I am just back from an enjoyable weekend teaching my workshop, Watercolor: a Fresh Start, at the Frank Lloyd Wright designed  Wyoming Valley School Cultural Art Center to a wonderful group of  Continue Reading »

Categories: Ability, art and technology, Biographical, Creative Play, Fablous Artists, Teaching Art and Creativity, Watercolor, Wisconsin Arts, Workshops and Classes

Creativity Lessons: Art, Nature, and Finding Our Inner Voices

Written on May 4, 2012 at 5:32 am, by

Wyoming Valley School Cultural Center

Join us for Art Workshops at the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Wyoming Valley School Cultural Center outside of Spring Green Wisconsin.

Categories: Ability, Inspiration, Teaching Art and Creativity, Uncategorized, Watercolor, Workshops and Classes

New paintings by Mary Kay Neumann, 'Art Still Has Truth, Take Refuge There'

Written on March 16, 2012 at 2:44 am, by

In her new exhibition Mary Kay Neumann’s wet-into-wet watercolor florals are alive with emotions of joy, conflict, and and the intrinsic beauty of life.

Categories: Ability, Art Techniques, donating art, Fabulous Artists, Feminist art, Inspiration, Uncategorized, Watercolor, Wisconsin Arts

The high art of visibility: How I am learning to use social media to promote my art

Written on February 19, 2012 at 6:31 pm, by

There are lots of different ways for an artist to approach developing an on-line presence and build a social media network to bring visibility to their art. Developing a social media network is really developing an electronic way to stay in touch with people you know, and to meet and build relationships with others who share your interests.

Categories: art and technology, Career Development, Creative Play, Fabulous Artists, On-Line sales, Promotional Materials, Social networking, Teaching Art and Creativity, This and That, Watercolor

Painting 'Plein Air' Watercolors and Creating Visual Memories

Written on December 26, 2011 at 2:34 am, by

Why plein air (open air) paint? If you have never taken the time to sit and stare at where a ridge meets the sky or how a branch attaches to the trunk of a tree, or how a hillside reflects in a lake, I encourage you to put all fear aside and go for it. If you do you could discover that the experience of careful observation is satisfying in itself and that it is aided by trying to record it as a visual memory.

Categories: A Painting A day, art collaboration, Beauty, Biographical, Creative Play, Fabulous Artists, Inspiration, Plein air Painting, Watercolor

An Art Workshop Were Everyone is a Learner and Everyone is a Teacher

Written on August 12, 2011 at 3:15 pm, by

Teaching others is a critical part of my creative process. My workshops remind me of the expansive possibilities and promise of my favorite medium, watercolor, as well as of how mixed-media collage can make use of visual materials to aid creative thinking processes.

Categories: Ability, art collaboration, Art Techniques, Creative Play, Fabulous Artists, Teaching Art and Creativity, Watercolor, Workshops and Classes