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A Muse and Her Artist (Blog)

Breaking the Isolation of the Artist Studio Through Collaboration or Playing Nicely With Others

I love nothing better than working in my art studio alone. I hunger for it. I work hard to protect my art time from other obligations. I can spend endless hours painting, creating, and seeking that place of flow that is timeless and thrilling. It is my favorite thing to do right up until it becomes lonely, oppressive, and isolating.

Categories: art and technology, art collaboration, Artist Resources, Beauty, Biographical, Fablous Artists, Feminist art, Fiber arts. Fabric design, Inspiration, Spoonflower, Teaching Art and Creativity, Watercolor, Women Artists, Workshops and Classes

A Beauty Manifesto: Art As Resistance"

“The making of beauty and of art says that we are alive and we have this beauty within us.” Ann Schaffer, artist

Categories: Activist Art, Artist Resources, Beauty, Biographical, Fablous Artists, Feminist art, Inspiration, Political Art, Watercolor, Women Artists

Activist Art: Art That Works

Activist art is, by definition, historically specific. It aims to address particular cultural, political and social concerns with a view to producing concrete social change. It is interesting to me as an artist and an educator how seldom we find an analysis of what makes effective activist art a part of what we teach and learn, especially since we need it now more than ever.

Categories: Activist Art, Artist Resources, Diversity, Fablous Artists, Feminist art, Fiber arts. Fabric design, Inspiration, Political Art, Teaching Art and Creativity, This and That, Wisconsin Arts, Women Artists

Lessons in Creativity

Accepting my limitations takes on a enjoyable sense of victory when I remember to treat those limitations as intellectual challenges that require me to find creative alternatives.

Categories: Ability, Artist Resources, Biographical, Disability, Fabulous Artists, Inspiration, Uncategorized, Women Artists

Your Don’t Always Know What You Got ‘Til Its Gone so don’t let the Wisconsin Arts Board go!

It will be easier to save the Wisconsin Arts Boards than get it back once its has been dissolved, so lets advocate to save the agency now so we have something to rebuild when our economy improves. Lets not regret in the future what we can work to save today.

Categories: Activist Art, Uncategorized, Wisconsin Arts