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A Muse and Her Artist (Blog)

Quilter Sally Noland: Artist in Fabric

Sally Noland is a wonderful painter but her artistic passions really lay in fibers. I asked Sally to share the story of her passion for quilting in her own words, and to mention some of the quilters that have influenced her own creative journey.

Categories: Ability, art and technology, Art Techniques, Creative Play, Fabulous Artists, Fiber arts. Fabric design, Spoonflower

An Art Workshop Were Everyone is a Learner and Everyone is a Teacher

Teaching others is a critical part of my creative process. My workshops remind me of the expansive possibilities and promise of my favorite medium, watercolor, as well as of how mixed-media collage can make use of visual materials to aid creative thinking processes.

Categories: Ability, art collaboration, Art Techniques, Creative Play, Fabulous Artists, Teaching Art and Creativity, Watercolor, Workshops and Classes

Day 33 of 33 – Two Artists Share A Painting A Day for 33 Days

The final day of the 33 Paintings in 33 Days Project of Alaskan artist Nikki Kinne and Wisconsin artist Helen Klebesadel. I cannot believe the thirty-third day has come so quickly. This has been an amazing experience.

Categories: A Painting A day, art collaboration, Creative Play, Fabulous Artists, Watercolor

Day Thirty-two –Two Artists Share A Painting A Day for 33 Days

Day thirty-two in the 33 Paintings in 33 Days Project of Alaskan artist Nikki Kinne and Wisconsin artist Helen Klebesadel.

Categories: A Painting A day, Creative Play, Fabulous Artists, Watercolor

Day Thirty-one — Two Artists Share A Painting A Day for 33 Days

Day thirty-one in the 33 Paintings in 33 Days Project of Alaskan artist Nikki Kinne and Wisconsin artist Helen Klebesadel.

Categories: A Painting A day, Art Techniques, Creative Play, Watercolor