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Monthly Archives: August 2010

Building an Art Career: How to become a Juggling Women

Written on August 29, 2010 at 6:22 pm, by

There is no doubt about it, building an art career is a lot of work. It has been quite an interesting and productive period of time for me recently as I work to balance my multiple interests: art making, day job, teaching, and planning and promotions for future and current projects.

Categories: Biographical, Career Development, Inspiration, Teaching Art and Creativity, Uncategorized, Watercolor, Workshops and Classes

The Feminist Art Movement

Written on August 24, 2010 at 3:04 am, by

The Feminist Art Movement profoundly influenced contemporary art practices. It introduced feminist content and gender issues; nonhierarchical uses of materials and techniques; and the idea of a multiple-voiced, fluid subject. The women’s art movement has championed the idea that gender is socially and not naturally constructed; validated non-“high art” forms such as craft, video and performance art; questioned the cult of “genius” and “greatness;” and placed an emphasis on pluralist variety rather than concepts of totalizing universalism.

Categories: Artist Resources, Diversity, Feminist art, This and That, Uncategorized, Women Artists

My Art Appears on Refrigerators All Over The Country

Written on August 16, 2010 at 9:47 pm, by

I’m a firm believer in using several kinds of art cards as visual reminders of my artwork with my contact information attached to get my art out in the world. Sometimes it takes a while for people to be in a position to purchase a piece and I want to make it easy to find me when the time comes. I’ll talk about the many kinds of art cards and their uses.

Categories: Artist Resources, Biographical, Career Development, Charity, Fundraising, Promotional Materials, This and That, Uncategorized

Making Art Makes You More Aware

Written on August 10, 2010 at 10:35 am, by

Its wonderful to see students new to art learn that “creating art makes you more aware” of all there is to see and to come to understand that one of the major jobs an artist does is to notice and document this amazing world so others can see it too.

Categories: Artist Resources, Biographical, Career Development, Inspiration, Teaching Art and Creativity, This and That, Workshops and Classes